Thursday, November 25, 2021

Fake post card

 Today we learnt how to persuade people to come somewhere.So we made online post cards to learn how people persuade another person to come somewhere.Here is some ways people persuade people to come somewhere;

 1.Show them a nice picture of the place

2.Tell them good stuff about the place they are at

3.Leave out the bad stuff about the place 

Here is a picture of my post card.

Here is my post card.I hope you learnt how people persuade other people to come to some places.I hope you have a nice day. 


  1. hey justin I think your parents are all ready in NZ but that is a very good post card thats fake hope to see more awesome blogs!

  2. Hi Justin that post card looks sooo cool. Bye

  3. where is this place???!!!! take me there
